See this is another reason why y’all need to meet me at boot camp in the morning with @slimfitbrei. Lord knows I quit everyday but y’all see the results and this waistline. Come join us. We all die together!!

- Essence T.

I started here with her boot camp in May,..I signed up as a full time client in June. I was 192 lbs…7 months later, I’m working consistently, my metabolic age has decreased, and I’m currently 163lbs!

Start here, change your life!

- Tasha Marie

LeBrei!!! My butt! (smile) I’m never leaviiiiiing!!

-Ashleigh D.

“Definitely gonna keep getting my payments phat…I’m trying on clothes and switching my closet out today to fall/winter clothes…and all the bodycon dresses I bought and wasn’t comfortable in last year GON BE SEEN THIS SEASON!! I’m FINALLY comfortable with my body…my emotional (a**) almost in tears!

- Tasha Marie

Thank you Brei!!! This is so crazy to see how far I’ve come. One of my fav videos is of you coaching us through that squat on the 12 inch box cause we didn’t see it (*smile) but you got us there. Thank you Brei!!!

-Lacrisha M.

We love you real bad phat! You’re changing lives!! I know for sure you changed mine!

- Tasha Marie